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Image: Tony Robbins |
I am gradually weaning myself off the monthly supplement otherwise known as a salary; yes, the one that comes with paid employment. I made quite the ballsy move against the trappings and comfort that came along with the regular pay day. The withdrawal symptoms have been quite severe at times, leaving me mulling over my decision and contemplating if it was indeed the right one.
I have beat up myself on occasion since I became a free agent, thinking back to the chain
of events and decisions that led me to drop
my letter. It wasn’t a decision that was taken lightly considering the
ravenous appetite of the responsibilities on my plate and the unyielding
urgency with which they would continue to come at me. And so, here we are.
The action was made all the more complex by my resolve not
to chase paid employment any further, at least not for the foreseeable future,
allowing me to fully explore the extent of my other options. The unfolding
developments to any observer would seem absurd, miscalculated and unreasonable;
and who could blame them, it often seems that way to me as well. Fighting off
the urge to compromise on a firm commitment and re-litigate my initial resolve
remains a continuous struggle.
Finding a purpose and staying true to it is one of the
hardest things a person can achieve. It is like swimming against a very strong
current. Short of a conviction that I feel in my core, I couldn’t tell you what
sustains my crusade. Of course I have a desire to make a mark and attempt to
achieve something worthwhile and timely, I have however struggled with how to
go about it. I have my moments of astonishing clarity and laser sharp focus,
but they are few and far between. Often times I am both scared and encouraged
by my own optimism.
Being involved in creating and curating the future for me is
at once a priviledge and a calling. The results are never guaranteed,
particularly when operating in a system that has evolved to devour its own and
drain their very life force; but achieving something significant is usually not
an uncomplicated affair.
I continue to take in the sights and learnings as the
journey unfolds, praying fervently that I am not consumed in the process and
that my will survives the assault from within and without; building requires
continuous toiling. Patience however, can turn out to be an ambivalent virtue
for one embracing risk with a lot on the line and obligations that don’t wait
around for any maturation.
This, I am learning, is a journey of discovery more of self
above any other. One, often, cannot control situations and circumstances but
one can always moderate alignment and adaptation. I intend to stay grounded for
as long as I can while this dizzying fiesta goes on, holding on to whatever I
can along the way for hope and inspiration.
This is beautifully hopeful. Thanks for writing this.