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Fela, Validation & Magic

Fela Kuti playing the saxophone


I once opined that Africans should be careful seeking validation from foreign standard keepers; I argued that we should develop our own high value reward systems instead. I also do remember quite vividly in 2008, during the first ever MTV Africa Music Awards –aka the MAMAs – as Trevor Nelson unveiled Fela as the recipient of the ‘Legend Award’. In his remarks, Trevor had said something along the lines of it practically being a given that this honour for the inaugural edition should go to Fela; arguably the biggest artistic legend to come out of Africa.

I hadn’t given the matter any much thought since then until I came across Seth Godin’s take on Fela’s nomination and possible induction into the Rock and Roll hall of fame. Perhaps because of my disposition, I had not been that excited about the prospect of Fela’s inclusion. Fela was to me and I want to believe for many Africans, the greatest musical legend ever.

Seth argued for greater diversity within organisations and so Fela’s nomination had far more significance for inclusion for many more people globally, for pushing a sound, a style, a voice, a talent that was different from the kind that Iron Maiden and the other nominees had to offer; not diminishing their legacy and art in any way but making the point that the hall of Fame is perhaps opening up to wider influences of change that are just as deserving.

I am still conflicted as to how much such a move has in implications for how we see ourselves and view our own people and art. If Burna Boy had won a Grammy for instance would that have signalled that Nigeria had now arrived the music scene? Would it render him greater than his peers? If Milk Maid wins an Oscar, would that herald a new era of film making in Nigeria?  Such feats are indeed laudable and inspiring but our ambition to produce outstanding work shouldn’t be guided by hopes of foreign validation.  

Fela is an enigmatic, magical genius, his influence and contribution is ‘boundary stretching’ – borrowing Seth’s words – and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Honour, just as the MAMAs, would be well-deserved, just as long as it doesn’t define his legacy.


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